Bring in new customers with the Resengo voucher
The Resengo voucher is a universal voucher that allows customers to choose from a large number of Resengo businesses. Accept the Resengo voucher and attract new customers who use the voucher as a present or business gift.

Accept the Resengo voucher in your business
Accept the Resengo voucher in your business and make it visible to millions of guests. Every day thousands of people choose a restaurant or wellness business that accepts their Resengo voucher. By integrating this voucher into your business, you put it in the spotlight for them.
Full house during your afternoon service!
The Resengo voucher is also used to schedule meetings for a business lunch or meeting. Bring in more business clients and ensure a packed venue during afternoon service. Welcome business groups and put yourself on the map with local business owners during their search for a good lunch location.

The Resengo voucher as a business gift
Business owners eagerly use the Resengo voucher as a gift for loyal customers or partners. On the recipients of this voucher look for a nice restaurant or wellness center to use it. By accepting the Resengo voucher, you can easily attract new customers.
Stay on brand and communicate in your own style
You can fully tailor the Resengo voucher to your own taste and corporate identity. You also determine the colour.

Reach more customers with the Resengo voucher
The Resengo voucher is a popular gift card given as a gift by both business owners and individuals. Reach more potential customers by accepting the Resengo voucher.
More customers, more profit
Accepting the Resengo voucher in your business takes no time at all. And in that short time frame, you reach more customers, both business and private. More customers and greater visibility mean more sales.
Moreover, you will receive 100% of the value of Resengo vouchers spent at your place of business, with no commission!
So there is no reason not to open up your business to this new input of potential customers.

Get started with the Resengo voucher
Want to refine your customer communications and outsource or automate a lot of extra tasks? The Resengo ecosystem has all the tools you need to run your business worry-free.