Get an additional way of booking completely free of charge by activating the integration with Proximus+. Your business will be showcased to potential customers just like on the Resengo platform.

This new app is designed to make life easier for countless users by uniting all digital services related to mobility, finance & energy in one platform. Resengo is of course also part of this as a reservation tool!
What do you get out of the Proximus+ link?
By activating the Proximus+ integration, you get an extra way of receiving reservations for free. Your visibility increases significantly, as all Proximus+ users in your neighbourhood can see what's going on in their area in no time.
Your business will be placed just like on Resengo's platform with the possibility to book with you.
Proximus+ is free to both Proximus customers and non-customers. The integration of your business is and remains completely free of charge as well.
How does it work?
The connection between Resengo and Proximus+ enables your business to be displayed on Proximus+ in the same way as on the Resengo platform.
This means that all you have to do is activate the integration and Resengo will make sure your business is shared on Proximus+!
Want to know more about the integration with Proximus+?
Looking for more information about this Resengo partner or how the integration works exactly?
Don't hesitate to contact our experts. We will be happy to help you with all your questions.
Give a new impulse to your existing partners
Connect Resengo with your existing cash register system, personnel planning, email and webanalytics to have a complete picture of your entire place. All in one spot.